While in Seychelles for holiday, I started doing research on conservation projects in the archipelago as I was in love, smitten with the Seychelles.
I started searching through my Seychelles travel guide but I didn’t know where to begin or which travel agency would be able to satisfy my appetite. I came across a section on Cousin Island and the brief history provided had me enchanted. I had to set foot on that island.
I found Nature Seychelles’ number listed, phoned and spoke to Eric Blais, Eric made me the happiest person in the world upon uttering the sentence : “Well, then you are in luck as we have just launched a new program, the Conservation Boot Camp.
I was given paperwork and information from an amazing team of people at the head office and within days it was booked, paid and arranged. Soon I would be headed to Cousin Island.

What I crashed into over wild waves of Indian Ocean Bliss could never, ever be given justice by any amount of glamorous adjectives, images or descriptions. The frosted peak was a broth of crusty granite and thousands of swirling wingspans. The lush woodlands burbled over the island right behind white sands and merely three roofs suggested human population.
Read the rest of Chriestine Le Roux’s experience and other stories in the first issue of the Conservation Boot Camp Magazine.