As a Birdlife International partner initially we concentrated on threatened endemic bird conservation, but more recently, and in line with other conservation needs of Seychelles, we have expanded our focus and are working on other taxa including mammals, reptiles, insects and marine species. We increase the quantity and quality of our research by conducting much of our research in partnership with institutes such as Universities.
Nature Seychelles has been, and still is, heavily involved in habitat restoration and rehabilitation and without doubt, is the leader in this field in the country. We have eradicated alien predators from islands, controlled invasive alien plants, reforested with native vegetation and created new populations of threatened endemic birds.
We have undertaken research on coral reefs and the effects of bleaching, reef fish assemblages, marine turtles, Sooglossid frogs, Sheath tailed bats, Seychelles fody, Seychelles magpie-robin, Seychelles warbler, Seychelles Kestrel, seabirds, introduced white-flies among others.


turtle monitoring